We all have certain things we absolutely love – but we don’t quite make it known to people. It isn’t that we’re embarrassed persay, we just do not find times where we can bring up our “hidden loves”. These hidden loves can be about anything that excites you or makes you happy.
Here’s a list of my “hidden” loves:
♥ The Real Housewives of the O.C.
I am not a huge fan of TV in general, but this show just grabs my attention like a bad habit. I end up laughing, crying, and everything in between. Thanks mom, for introducing me to that!
♥ American Idol
Okay, so, I am not psycho about it – I do enjoy watching it though. And, yes I have voted before, if I really liked someone!
♥ Buying/Wearing Cute Workout Clothes
Yes, I know I am about to sweat profusely at the gym, but why not look cute doing it? Studies have proven that women who wear tighter fitting clothes and feel beautiful at the gym, end up working out longer and harder. My favorite: www.bebesport.com
♥ Oldies Music
By oldies, I mean 60’s, 70’s & 80’s (sorry to the older folks) – but oldies music just makes me smile for some reason. Obviously, it isn’t my choice of music to dance to at the club, but in the car, with my girlfriends, it is so fun to jam out too.
♥ Sending/Receiving “Snail” Mail
Emailing and E-cards are amazing, but receiving or sending actual "snail: mail excites me so much!
♥ Vintage ANYTHING
There is something about buying a vintage coat or purse that makes me happy.
♥ Flowers
I buy them for myself whenever I go to the grocery store – they smell great and they bring a sense of peace into the house.
♥ Pot-Bellied Pigs
I want one… so bad! I think they are cute when they are tiny, and I just recently found out that they actually sometimes get HUGE!
♥ Personal Reading
I learn so much from books and it relaxes me.
♥ Daily planners
I am quite possibly obsessed with mine – it goes everywhere.
♥ “Punk” Style
The self-expression intrigues me; the piercings, tattoos, style of clothing, and sometimes “bad ass attitude” is fun to watch!
♥ People-watching
Not to ridicule them in anyway, but just being able to sit back and watch how people inter-relate and converse, is so interesting to me.
♥ Muscles
Not popping out Arnold style – but noticeable ones make me tingly. :faints:
From my friends…
♥ Lip gloss
“I don’t have any favorite ones, I buy new ones because they are pretty or smell nice, or hell, even because they plump my lips or are sparkly like water.” –AR
♥ Sex/Cuddling While It Is Raining
♥ Buying Running Shoes
“I enjoy buying them, not because they feel the best, but because they are pretty pink or match my workout clothes!” – AR
♥ America’s Funniest Home Videos
What are some of your hidden loves? (Leave a comment & Discuss!)