Friday, June 11, 2010


It has been one of those days where one constantly thinks of the past. Not in a bad or good way. Just thinking about life -- and how different things are compared to then. Then you start to think about how you are happy now, but reflect on the idea that you 'thought' you were happy back then too. So which happy is the 'right' happy? I don't think reflecting on the past means that you are unsatisfied with the life you have right now. I believe it's good to look back and reflect on your old boyfriends/girlfriends, your old friends, your old memories. Without those "old" things -- you wouldn't be you, and your life today wouldn't exist.

I enjoy being a busy person and I enjoy challenges -- but I have felt weak and hopeless more in the last week then I have in a while. Weak more so because I don't have the energy that I had before -- whether it's because I've taken on more responsibility now or because of a lack of sleep. I don't feel as "bubbly" as I used to be -- but it's not because I'm not happy. I'm nervous that I'll lose my goofiness self and remain serious, boring, and uninteresting. I really don't want to be the too serious part. I'm hoping that I can get my 'required studies' out of the way in order to let loose a little bit. It would be good for my soul, my mind, and my body.

Cheers to a good week & an even better weekend~