Balancing one's life completely is harder than getting rid of cellulite. With many people today juggling career(s), school, family-life, loved ones, and attempting to maintain a steady diet/exercise plan... we all want the answer to being able to align everything perfectly.
However - we will NEVER get it perfectly right. Such is life. It changes day to day, children get sick, our diet goes out the window, or you get into an arguement with your significant other. It's not easy, but it's manageable.
♥ It is crucial that you remain optimistic. Happy thoughts in... happy thoughts out. Surround yourself with positive people like Tia or Ariel
♥ Invest in a nice day planner that you are able to tote around. Organization is key. Organize household tasks efficiently. Doing one or two loads of laundry every day, rather than saving it all for your day off, and running errands in batches are good places to begin. A weekly family calendar of important dates and a daily list of to-dos will help you avoid deadline panic.
♥ Prioritize. Track everything you do for one week. Include work-related and non-work-related activities. Decide what's necessary and what satisfies you the most. Cut or delegate activities you don't enjoy and don't have time for.
♥ Understand that you cannot do it all. You can't. You are HUMAN. Unfortunately, there are only 24 hours in a day and you need to get some Zzz's in. Therefore, don't feel horrible if you can't be team MOM, PTA president AND have time for extra volunteering this week. It's OK!
♥ Reward yourself at times. Set aside time each day for an activity that you enjoy, such as walking, working out or listening to music. Unwind after a hectic workday by reading, practicing yoga, or taking a bath or shower.
♥ Have a Support System. Give yourself the gift of a trusted friend or co-worker to talk with during times of stress or hardship. Ensure you have trusted friends and relatives who can assist you when you need to work overtime or travel for your job.

Good Stuff, and I totally needed to hear that at this moment!!
Hello Gorgeous (LOVE the name and little heart bullet points!)
Awesome post, thanks for reminding us how to balance our lives. And you are so sweet to include me as a resource for happy +ve people!! Do you know what a shining light you yourself are?
Keep sparkling ;) xx
This blog is so girly. I love it. :)
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