Friday, November 6, 2009

Follow me...

Word of the Day: Overwhelmed

How does one get on the right page? How does one know if they are doing all that they can do? Sleep doesn't come so easily for me any longer. But I have never been happier in my life - so it's a bittersweet feeling. I have found that I most likely have adult ADD (or perhaps just a lot on my plate), but I will begin on 1 thing and shift gears so quick to the next thing. To-Do lists only get longer and more stressful and I find that writing them actually takes a considerable amount of time. I adore my actual planner and cannot get used to plugging in events into my Black Berry. Call me old school.

Business: I have felt more frustration as a business owner this week, more than any other, with 5-6 clients just "not showing" up. I adore my clients and I want the best for them, but when they simply don't show up, I'm wasting my time. Emergencies are one thing but just not showing, forgetting, too tired - those are all something else. It certainly gives me an appreciate for other service industries. I'm going to be implementing a policy where if they don't cancel 24-hr ahead of time, they forfeit their session. In addition, if I miss a session for whatever reason, they get a free one on me. That way, they will see that I'm not harping on them, but rather trying to help them.

Personal: Danny and I have begun a workout regimen -- since I am more free during the day, I have time to market and get in some personal time that I have been lacking so much. I believe that's where the "happier than ever" statement comes into play because I honestly enjoy doing things other than working and socializing at night with friends. I like taking walkes, playing with my dogs, going to the gym, sitting at SBux and reading the paper. Those things are my ways of relaxing. I hope to take up Bellydancing and get back into sewing as well. I feel that it is SO important for us, as human beings, to not only center our life around work. Granted, I adore my work and I look forward to going there everyday -- but there's more to life than work. I have honestly never been as "strapped for cash" in my lifetime, but I'm doing things I love to do. Now, if I don't start making some money quickly - then there will be issues!

Passion: Which always brings me back to writing... whether if it's in journal form or informative... I want to write a few books and perhaps begin a magazine. My life would then be complete. I'd give up lattes for it even. I'd give up lattes and my Black Berry.... ooohh, my heart hurts just thinking like that...

Until then...

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