Sight of 12/04/2008: CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO.
Ladies, there ARE weights at the gym TOO! Do not be scared of them, they will not bite, jump at you, or make you look like the Hulk, Aw-nald, or the dude on the cover of body building. We are WOMEN! In fact, being a woman should INCREASE the reason why we should be spending time with weights. We have babies, hold them, rock them - chase around kids, lift them up - carry in groceries - clean house; seriously, THE LIST GOES ON!
Next time you're in the gym - do NOT fear the weights. Instead, ask your personal trainer or front desk girl to give you a run through of a couple machines to get you started. It will improve your overall TONING OF YOUR BODY, prevent injury (if you lift correctly), and will create LEAN MUSCLE MASS! (which lowers our Body Fat percentages, YAY).
Good luck & heavy lifting :-)

TOO funny. I'm amazed why any woman would not weight train in this day and age...
I try to preach this to every woman, but they rarely listen. Hopefully you will have more success than I have with it
yep, I'm all over that action. Of course, we know better. Why are women so afraid of weights? a little definition is sexy, isn't it?
So true! I see this same thing the four or five days a week I find myself in the gym. Weights are the central part of my routine. And I'm not The Hulk!
I hope more women out there pick up the weights and jump on the fat loss train. :)
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