If you are anything like me - make-up is kind of a big deal. I'm not talking about loads and loads of make-up, but applying foundation, blush, mascara is an everyday ritual. However, today, I woke up and realized that my foundation container is empty. At first, I went through a stage of panic - however, after applying some moisturizer, I stepped away from the mirror and left for work.
According to Good Morning America, women spend $50 BILLION annually on cosmetics, and many are simply addicted to buying and wearing products.
In addition, a study in France found this research:
Makeup’s effect on our senses results in two different psychological effects: camouflage and seduction.Camouflage is all about reducing anxiety, supporting our internal defense mechanisms, and helping with emotional stability. Seduction is about being more socially assertive and extroverted. The way you use makeup depends on your individual psychological profile.
Could you go one week without make-up? I don't even know if I can successfully make it through this day without it!

I think you bring up a FANTASTIC point. In fact, I propose that you give up make-up entirely. I encourage my girlfriend not to use make-up. I ask her, "Why do you need it?". She struggles to come up with an answer that won't sound silly.
It seems to me that make-up is for covering up "imperfections". I mean, I guess you could call them imperfections, but who really cares? We know that nobody is perfect, so what is the use in labeling differences in our faces as imperfections?
I don't really see anything wrong with girls' faces. Even if it was apparently obvious that a certain girl "needed" make-up, once she out it on, everyone would know it's not her real face, so what is the point? Is it to appease those around us, so that they can look at a more perfect face? Why? What is make-up for? Does the way a person's skin age or simply grow really affect who they are and the positive differences they make? I really don't think so.
It's funny that you bring this up - I am the same way with my daily make up ritual, and discovered last week that MY foundation bottle was empty. (aack!)
I applied a touch of cover up, some eye liner and mascara, and left it at that. I still haven't replaced the foundation, and gee, I've survived ;)
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