“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
I personally adore this quote - there's nothing more special then a person who feels 'fully alive' and frankly, in today's world - we don't have enough of those people. We only have one life to live, so we need to make the most of it. We hear these inspirational sayings all the time - but do you just listen to it and then carry on with your day? And at what point do you actually ask yourself "What makes me come alive?" and then go for it?
♥ Get that body you've been wanting.
♥ Ask that boy/girl out instead of waiting for them to do so.
♥ Start that business you've dreamed about.
♥ Cut that credit card in half.
♥ Get back in touch with an old friend.
♥ Apologize. Even though you should have a year ago.
♥ Smile at people - start conversations.
♥ Try that new hobby that you're embarrased about trying.
♥ Push yourself harder in the gym.
♥ Study harder. Educate yourself.
Seriously, what do you have to lose?

1 comment:
this post rocked! let's see some video, show peeps into your world! I bet it'll be cooler than just words! Looking forward :)
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