One of the weirdest things about having Chiari is that some days aren't AS bad as others. The pain is always constant -- but then in the middle of nowhere, a day will come where the pain is HORRIBLE. This past week, I've had two of those days. One was actually at night (Tuesday night) when I literally could not sleep. I cried myself to sleep because the pain was so bad -- the headaches would not go away and everytime I opened my eyes, the room was spinning. I ended up sleeping on the couch that night propped up in the oddest position. Right next to me was my german shepherd, Coletta, who had no sleep either because she was probably wondering what the heck I was doing on the couch.
Earlier in the week, I got my medical report from the nuerologist to have for my own records. In addition to the diagnosis of Chiari malformation I, he also pointed out that I have herniations in my neck at C4-5, C5-6, C6-7, C7-T1. WHAT? I know I have horrific pain in my neck/back -- but I don't even know how I would have gotten those herniations/bulging discs.
I meet with the specialist on Tuesday -- it's an hour north of my house, but so worth the drive to see a nuerosurgeon who knows about Chiari. I look forward to getting my situation taken care of and moving forward. As the title of this blog goes... One Day At A Time...
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