No matter what the circumstances, I miss fitness & exercise. I feel like a part of me has been destroyed because I love going for jogs, lifting weights, participating in group activities that are "fitness based" and now... I'm forced to only minimal activity. I have begun to change my eating habits around so that I will still see a decline in the scale. I look forward to taking walks with Coletta (my German Shepherd) & hopefully will not see a further decline in muscle weakness.
A part of me wants to try and push it with exercise, maybe just a 1-mile jog wouldn't be so bad? But I won't allow myself, because I honestly cannot take a worsening of symptoms! Today, isn't so bad. I have the stiff neck & stiff shoulders, but no 'pounding' headache *knock on wood*. I am VERY fatigued though, which is somewhat odd to me since I had 8-9 hours of sleep last night.
With my freezing of school classes and my lowering my clientel base with my business, I figured this time is better than any to pick up sewing again. I'm nervous that my hand/eye coordination will drive me nuts, but if I stay with simple projects (i.e. pants/skirts/etc) then I should be OK. Many people have told me that "God will never give me something that I can't handle" and "Things happen for a reason"... I do believe this. However, it is much easier said then experienced.

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