Sunday, July 11, 2010

Shhh... It's a Secret

I started off by keeping the fact that I have Chiari Malformation a secret to most people. I only told close friends and family because I don't want to gain attention and have people thinking that I'm incapable of doing things. While some things pose a problem for me, I do try to remain normal. My biggest fear was with my clients that they would, for some reason, not want to train with me because here I am, trying to showcase a healthy lifestyle for them, and now I'm unable to workout like I used to. I don't really mind them knowing about my situation -- because eventually if surgery is something that I opt to do, then they will have to figure out that something is up when I don't go in for 2-weeks and have someone cover for me. The whole situation is a double-edged sword.

This weekend has been ok- I feel the brunt of the symptoms today for sure. Waking up is beginning to get harder and harder. So I'm having to set my alarm earlier. I had a mini-breakdown this AM, because I'm so tired of feeling so tired. I am going to get in more walks and maybe some light weights to remain sane. My body has to be going through workout withdrawls. The NY Post put out an article discussing how exercise and the brain are related and how exercise can help. Unfortunately, with Chiari, it only makes symptoms that much worse. Same with driving.

I talk with the NS tomorrow (NueroSurgeon) -- so I'm hoping for some solid information. I have my list of questions to ask him regarding the surgery and recovery. It's time to get moving in the right direction... I can see being symptom-free in my future... just gotta keep taking the steps to get there.

1 comment:

lace1070 said...

I just wanted to reach out to you and let you know that you are not alone in your chiari journey. There are other chiarians out there who have been where you are in their journey. If you can bring someone with you to your NS appointment it's helpful ~ I have put a copy of the link to my chiari journey blog below ~ I have all kinds of helpful links on the sidebar. Knowledge is power when it comes to chiari. Hang in there ~ Lace