Word of the Day: Peace
It's been a little while since I've posted - I've been trying to remain busy and productive with school and the Business. We are now approaching the Holiday week with Thanksgiving in a few days. I will be celebrating Thanksgiving in a much different way this year - but I will get to that shortly.
This weekend was a fun one: Friday evening was not very eventful but it was a much needed down-time. On Saturday morning, I had my Body Sculpting class, one client, and then did a 3-mile Walk around Crescent Lake Park with a few clients who wanted to "test" out the distance. Afterwards- I was literally just exhausted. Oddly though- because prior to the walk, I had lots of energy. After I got home, I relaxed and took a light nap before going out for the night. It was Monica's 25th Birthday - one of my closest girlfriends.. and she wanted to celebrate before honkey-tonkey'ing it at the Waterin' Trough. It was a good time. I saw many faces that I haven't been able to see lately. However, I didn't pull back into my house until 2:00am and I had the 5K Run with my clients in the AM. WOW... sleep is overrated...
5:45am I barely was able to roll outta bed, get dressed and start prepping for the event. I met my clients at 6:30am near the race start. There were 13 of them. I was sooo proud of all of them for being able to complete the event.. everyone was able to finish under 1 hour. I also had two clients who were doing the Half Marathon! You go girls!
By the time 9pm rolled around on Sunday evening - I was beyond ready for sleep but school stuff prevailed unfortunately. Now it's Monday ~ and I received an email this AM from my horoscope that read "True Bliss is Internal Peace"... this is soooo true. When you are happy with yourself within - everything else that may seem to be going wrong just isn't so bad.
I try to tell my clients that sometimes they need to work on their INSIDE before they can begin to work on their OUTSIDE fitness. Inside meaning the mental and emotional portion of their health. Getting rid of stress, relaxing at times and being in a stable relationship.. can all contribute to getting off the extra pounds when one starts a regimen.
This week - Danny and I will be heading to Branson, Missouri - we will be taking my Grandma there to see her brother and sister (my aunt and uncle). We leave Wednesday AM and we will be back around Sunday PM. The drive will be LONG but in the end - it will be worth it! :) I'm sad that I'll be missing the holidays with my parents and sisters but I think that this trip will be so good for my Grandma.
Until next time....
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Word of the Day: Productive
Ok- so productive is somewhat true. I have been absolutely blasted with schoolwork, and it's not that my teachers are so horrible that they bombarded me with an endless amount, but rather, I've been slacking. OK- so I admit it, and now I must move forward...
So I've been productive in clearing out my homework to-do list. And with just trying to become organized in all aspects of my life.
The week begins tomorrow-- bright and early with 5:30am Boot Camp. Wee! I honestly look forward to my Boot Camp groups - they make it worth my while to train them. I am hoping that I get more and more to sign up because I feel that Boot Camp is an EXCELLENT way to train. Hell, I'd even take Boot Camp!
So this week- Danny's schedule is a little odd, but that's ok... it'll give me more time to focus on my schoolwork and my business side-work (such as client programs, etc) -- not that he takes away my focus, but when we have time to spend together, we simply like to ENJOY our time together rather than watch one another work. It also means that during the day, I will be heading to the gym solo (which is GOOD too). Our workout routine has been going great together and we're both losing pounds/inches and getting closer through it all.
No new clients over the weekend, but I honestly didn't push for it. I did have two clients sign up on Saturday (after trying it out last week) so that was successful. Once Wednesday rolls around, I'll be doing flyers. I'm going to flyer some houses near the studio and perhaps mail out some to a list that I've been generating over time. My goal is to go into December with at least 20 girls signed up in my Boot Camp groups. Right now, I'm at: 10-12 girls with a couple of them *possibly* joining.
Bucs won today -- very pumped about that. I just feel bad for them... they get harped on like crazy, but it's tough to reassemble a team and start making progress. I feel like the Bucs in a way. My business is new - I make mistakes all the time - and I'm trying to learn from them on a daily basis, and I still get up every morning and practice. Game days = pay days. I gotta pay the bills, and I gotta support myself... thus, with no good games (clients) - I fail. So here's to the Bucs, for kicking butt today and even if it's your only win this season, I'm still a fan <3
Until then...
Ok- so productive is somewhat true. I have been absolutely blasted with schoolwork, and it's not that my teachers are so horrible that they bombarded me with an endless amount, but rather, I've been slacking. OK- so I admit it, and now I must move forward...
So I've been productive in clearing out my homework to-do list. And with just trying to become organized in all aspects of my life.
The week begins tomorrow-- bright and early with 5:30am Boot Camp. Wee! I honestly look forward to my Boot Camp groups - they make it worth my while to train them. I am hoping that I get more and more to sign up because I feel that Boot Camp is an EXCELLENT way to train. Hell, I'd even take Boot Camp!
So this week- Danny's schedule is a little odd, but that's ok... it'll give me more time to focus on my schoolwork and my business side-work (such as client programs, etc) -- not that he takes away my focus, but when we have time to spend together, we simply like to ENJOY our time together rather than watch one another work. It also means that during the day, I will be heading to the gym solo (which is GOOD too). Our workout routine has been going great together and we're both losing pounds/inches and getting closer through it all.
No new clients over the weekend, but I honestly didn't push for it. I did have two clients sign up on Saturday (after trying it out last week) so that was successful. Once Wednesday rolls around, I'll be doing flyers. I'm going to flyer some houses near the studio and perhaps mail out some to a list that I've been generating over time. My goal is to go into December with at least 20 girls signed up in my Boot Camp groups. Right now, I'm at: 10-12 girls with a couple of them *possibly* joining.
Bucs won today -- very pumped about that. I just feel bad for them... they get harped on like crazy, but it's tough to reassemble a team and start making progress. I feel like the Bucs in a way. My business is new - I make mistakes all the time - and I'm trying to learn from them on a daily basis, and I still get up every morning and practice. Game days = pay days. I gotta pay the bills, and I gotta support myself... thus, with no good games (clients) - I fail. So here's to the Bucs, for kicking butt today and even if it's your only win this season, I'm still a fan <3
Until then...
Friday, November 6, 2009
Follow me...
Word of the Day: Overwhelmed
How does one get on the right page? How does one know if they are doing all that they can do? Sleep doesn't come so easily for me any longer. But I have never been happier in my life - so it's a bittersweet feeling. I have found that I most likely have adult ADD (or perhaps just a lot on my plate), but I will begin on 1 thing and shift gears so quick to the next thing. To-Do lists only get longer and more stressful and I find that writing them actually takes a considerable amount of time. I adore my actual planner and cannot get used to plugging in events into my Black Berry. Call me old school.
Business: I have felt more frustration as a business owner this week, more than any other, with 5-6 clients just "not showing" up. I adore my clients and I want the best for them, but when they simply don't show up, I'm wasting my time. Emergencies are one thing but just not showing, forgetting, too tired - those are all something else. It certainly gives me an appreciate for other service industries. I'm going to be implementing a policy where if they don't cancel 24-hr ahead of time, they forfeit their session. In addition, if I miss a session for whatever reason, they get a free one on me. That way, they will see that I'm not harping on them, but rather trying to help them.
Personal: Danny and I have begun a workout regimen -- since I am more free during the day, I have time to market and get in some personal time that I have been lacking so much. I believe that's where the "happier than ever" statement comes into play because I honestly enjoy doing things other than working and socializing at night with friends. I like taking walkes, playing with my dogs, going to the gym, sitting at SBux and reading the paper. Those things are my ways of relaxing. I hope to take up Bellydancing and get back into sewing as well. I feel that it is SO important for us, as human beings, to not only center our life around work. Granted, I adore my work and I look forward to going there everyday -- but there's more to life than work. I have honestly never been as "strapped for cash" in my lifetime, but I'm doing things I love to do. Now, if I don't start making some money quickly - then there will be issues!
Passion: Which always brings me back to writing... whether if it's in journal form or informative... I want to write a few books and perhaps begin a magazine. My life would then be complete. I'd give up lattes for it even. I'd give up lattes and my Black Berry.... ooohh, my heart hurts just thinking like that...
Until then...
How does one get on the right page? How does one know if they are doing all that they can do? Sleep doesn't come so easily for me any longer. But I have never been happier in my life - so it's a bittersweet feeling. I have found that I most likely have adult ADD (or perhaps just a lot on my plate), but I will begin on 1 thing and shift gears so quick to the next thing. To-Do lists only get longer and more stressful and I find that writing them actually takes a considerable amount of time. I adore my actual planner and cannot get used to plugging in events into my Black Berry. Call me old school.
Business: I have felt more frustration as a business owner this week, more than any other, with 5-6 clients just "not showing" up. I adore my clients and I want the best for them, but when they simply don't show up, I'm wasting my time. Emergencies are one thing but just not showing, forgetting, too tired - those are all something else. It certainly gives me an appreciate for other service industries. I'm going to be implementing a policy where if they don't cancel 24-hr ahead of time, they forfeit their session. In addition, if I miss a session for whatever reason, they get a free one on me. That way, they will see that I'm not harping on them, but rather trying to help them.
Personal: Danny and I have begun a workout regimen -- since I am more free during the day, I have time to market and get in some personal time that I have been lacking so much. I believe that's where the "happier than ever" statement comes into play because I honestly enjoy doing things other than working and socializing at night with friends. I like taking walkes, playing with my dogs, going to the gym, sitting at SBux and reading the paper. Those things are my ways of relaxing. I hope to take up Bellydancing and get back into sewing as well. I feel that it is SO important for us, as human beings, to not only center our life around work. Granted, I adore my work and I look forward to going there everyday -- but there's more to life than work. I have honestly never been as "strapped for cash" in my lifetime, but I'm doing things I love to do. Now, if I don't start making some money quickly - then there will be issues!
Passion: Which always brings me back to writing... whether if it's in journal form or informative... I want to write a few books and perhaps begin a magazine. My life would then be complete. I'd give up lattes for it even. I'd give up lattes and my Black Berry.... ooohh, my heart hurts just thinking like that...
Until then...
Friday, June 5, 2009
Hard work pays off...
What are you all about?
What do you enjoy doing?
Do you have a passion?
Do you have the guts to follow it?
I finally did it. And I have never been happier. Oh believe me, owning a business can be extremely stressful - but being able to take that stress and turn it into something even better --> success is what I'm shooting for EVERY SINGLE DAY. I cannot be too sure where I will go in the future. I have my dreams and goals written in my small book so I look forward to crossing them off one-by-one. As for blogging, I will soon have a NEW and improved blog thanks to Maddie at www.betterinpink.com along with a website showcasing my new business name "Fit for Fashion".
As I go back and read each post thus far, it shows how I have been growing and growing and just waiting to take the step... now that I've leaped, it's time to get my business cap on and start producing.
Oh and by the way, it's never too late to start,
so what are you waiting for?

Friday, February 20, 2009
Be Like Nike... Just Do It

Most of us have this CLEAR PICTURE of what we want to accomplish, whether it be with our businesses, our education, or even for our bodies - we are designed that way. We think ahead and look into the future. I even created a list of "things I'd love to accomplish in 2009", however, if we spend so much time focusing on how we'd LIKE to be, we'll never have time to freaking DO IT. So - for this weekend, instead of thinking and plotting ways to get to a certain "starting point" - just START.
I personally did this today, I kept putting off when I was going to begin my program under Jenny Lynn (JL) - I wanted to hold off until all my supplements arrived, but then I looked at myself in the mirror and told myself thast "I CANNOT WAIT FOR A SUPPLEMENT TO ARRIVE TO BEGIN THIS PROGRAM" & I knocked out 60 minutes of pure-cardio this AM & I'm about to head out to do an intense lower body workout. It feels great because I am now on my way to getting to the "figure" that I want to accomplish.
Perhaps I can now begin to scratch things off my list, instead of just piling them on!

Thursday, February 19, 2009
A Girl's Guide to a NASCAR Event
Whether you are a die-hard NASCAR fan or you are tagging along with a significant other – attending one of these car racing events is truly a one-of-a-kind experience. Before I left for Daytona Beach, I did a “search” for what to wear and bring, but nothing really served as a good reference. Therefore, I am supplying all the females with a special inside outlook on what will keep you comfortable and of course, cute, for race day.
First things first- what to bring:
*The Official NASCAR site says that you may only bring a 6x6x12 soft cooler, or a clear plastic bag, so I followed the rules, but found out that the following will be submitted:
♥ Clear Plastic Backpack

Wal-Mart, $9.98
♥ Soft Cooler, Small to Medium sized
Wal-Mart, $12.00-$25.00
♥ Poncho
*I experienced this first hand- most of the time you will not need to use it, but it’s always good to bring just in case!

*Unfortunately, it’s pretty hard to look *cute* in a poncho, but they are always something you should bring to amusement parks or any other daily event that may be susceptible to rain. Perhaps get a poncho that supports your local football or baseball team (I saw this often and it’s a more stylish option than just the basic ‘bag’)
♥ Seat Cushion
*Support your favorite driver or get a basic NASCAR seat cushion here at Sports Authority
♥ Sunscreen
*Hopefully you will not have to use the Poncho and you will pull this baby out! We all know how the sun is damaging to skin- so be prepared and save yourself from the horrible tan lines and sunburns.
♥ Within the Cooler – Snacks/Beverages
*Pack something to eat and beverages of your choice. If you make a sandwich, leave the mayonnaise/mustard off of it & pick up the little packets at the grocery store (if not, your sandwich will end up soggy). As far as beverages go – be sure to pack some h2o, but in the spirit of NASCAR – beer is the drink of choice. For a lighter option, pick out a light beer. AND make sure you purchase cans, as opposed to bottles.
♥ Jacket
*Especially for the races in February and March, cooler weather CAN happen. So bring one just in case.

♥ Digital Camera
*You will want to snap some shots of all the neat things going on! If you purchase “Fan Zone” tickets, then you will be up and close with the Pit & their Crews – and you will have the ability to walk along the track.
♥ Cash
*Cards are accepted, but honestly, cash is easier to track and you can get through the lines for souvenirs/ food/ and drinks easier.
I created the following for an overview:

♥ Support your favorite driver or NASCAR in general - purchase a tank!
♥ If jeans are as comfortable to you, as they are to me, then sport them. If you are attending an Event during the Summer months, you may want to bring or wear shorts.
♥ Sneakers are a MUST! You will do lots of walking, so be prepared. Maybe even stretch a little bit the morning before you head to the Event.
♥ Wear a baseball cap - the sun will be shining & you need to protect your face.
♥ Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes as well!
I think that with this guide - you will be prepared to attend the Event! Gentleman, start your engines!
First things first- what to bring:
*The Official NASCAR site says that you may only bring a 6x6x12 soft cooler, or a clear plastic bag, so I followed the rules, but found out that the following will be submitted:
♥ Clear Plastic Backpack

Wal-Mart, $9.98
♥ Soft Cooler, Small to Medium sized
Wal-Mart, $12.00-$25.00
♥ Poncho
*I experienced this first hand- most of the time you will not need to use it, but it’s always good to bring just in case!

*Unfortunately, it’s pretty hard to look *cute* in a poncho, but they are always something you should bring to amusement parks or any other daily event that may be susceptible to rain. Perhaps get a poncho that supports your local football or baseball team (I saw this often and it’s a more stylish option than just the basic ‘bag’)
♥ Seat Cushion
*Support your favorite driver or get a basic NASCAR seat cushion here at Sports Authority
♥ Sunscreen
*Hopefully you will not have to use the Poncho and you will pull this baby out! We all know how the sun is damaging to skin- so be prepared and save yourself from the horrible tan lines and sunburns.
♥ Within the Cooler – Snacks/Beverages
*Pack something to eat and beverages of your choice. If you make a sandwich, leave the mayonnaise/mustard off of it & pick up the little packets at the grocery store (if not, your sandwich will end up soggy). As far as beverages go – be sure to pack some h2o, but in the spirit of NASCAR – beer is the drink of choice. For a lighter option, pick out a light beer. AND make sure you purchase cans, as opposed to bottles.
♥ Jacket
*Especially for the races in February and March, cooler weather CAN happen. So bring one just in case.

♥ Digital Camera
*You will want to snap some shots of all the neat things going on! If you purchase “Fan Zone” tickets, then you will be up and close with the Pit & their Crews – and you will have the ability to walk along the track.
♥ Cash
*Cards are accepted, but honestly, cash is easier to track and you can get through the lines for souvenirs/ food/ and drinks easier.
I created the following for an overview:

♥ Support your favorite driver or NASCAR in general - purchase a tank!
♥ If jeans are as comfortable to you, as they are to me, then sport them. If you are attending an Event during the Summer months, you may want to bring or wear shorts.
♥ Sneakers are a MUST! You will do lots of walking, so be prepared. Maybe even stretch a little bit the morning before you head to the Event.
♥ Wear a baseball cap - the sun will be shining & you need to protect your face.
♥ Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes as well!
I think that with this guide - you will be prepared to attend the Event! Gentleman, start your engines!

Monday, February 2, 2009
The Girl Behind the Screen

I promise that I will have VLOGS up shortly, I'm actually purchasing the Flip today, this weekend was quite hectic! However, there are tons of the *25 Things About You* going around, so I thought I'd post some here just to let my readers get to know me a little bit more... Hope you enjoy. xo
♥ 1.) My full name is Rebekah Marie Faith Reidy. My nicknames are as follows: Bekah, Bek, Beckers, Guaci (as in Guacimole), Bekah Boo, or simply Boo.
♥ 2.) I will be turning 24 in April and I am not very enthused about it.
♥ 3.) I absolutely adore anything monogrammed or personalized.
♥ 4.) Ever since I was five, I always wanted to be a teacher - the dream went away in highschool when I looked at the income of a teacher, but I've ended up becoming a personal trainer (which is utilizing teaching so I am living my dream).
♥ 5.) I'm one of the guys, but a girly girl at heart.
♥ 6.) I am usually five minutes late for just about everything, but fashionably late nonetheless.
♥ 7.) Ever since I purchased my Black Berry, it has not left my side.
♥ 8.) I'm a *Sun Bunny* meaning that I love the sun and anything involving me being out in the sun, i.e. : tanning, beach, boating, jet skiing, exercising outdoors, canoeing, kayaking, etc.
♥ 9.) I swear that my dogs understand me when I'm speaking.
♥ 10.) I can do the human pretzel.
♥ 11.) I have one of the most distinguished laughs, I usually try to cover it up, but one or two drinks in and it's out and proud. Many say it's *cute*.
♥ 12.) Until I was in college, I would only eat the following: grilled cheese sandwiches, macaroni & cheese, salads, and vegetables.
♥ 13.) I absolutely adore different cultures, and hope to become fluent in more than 3 languages.
♥ 14.) My favorite piece of jewerly are earrings, hands down.
♥ 15.) I have troubles balancing out partying and studies, so usually I go overboard on one for a week and then switch.
♥ 16.) In discussing partying, I am a lightweight - it takes approximately 1 Presidente Margarita from Chilis, 2 Goose & tonics w/ limes, or 1.5 glasses of wine to get me feeling 'goooooood'.
♥ 17.) I am probably the oldest teenybopper ever; I still groove to JT & Britney Spears, melt over Donnie of NKOTB and I saw Twilight on opening night (along with 1,000 other screaming 14-year olds).
♥ 18.) I'm a pretty creative person.
♥ 19.) I absolutely love fashion design and sewing - I wish I had more *time* to spend doing it.
♥ 20.) I have my budgets in excel, multiple planners, to-do lists plastered everywhere, and sticky notes galore.
♥ 21.) Perhaps my closet is small, but all of my clothes do not fit in it - I take up the hall-way closet and some of my sister's as well. Nothing to be concerned about- but I just think twice when I need to go *shopping*.
♥ 22.) I am part of the Powerpuff girls. I'm Buttercup. My two best friends are a redhead (Blossom) & blond (Bubbles).
♥ 23.) I bust a move at all times of the day - randomly, half dressed, in my dreams..
♥ 24.) Exercise is an essential part of my week - without it, I'm cranky and all out of wack. Same goes for music.
♥ 25.) I live life with a purpose.


Disappointment. The word haunts me. I remember growing up - my dad never ever yelled at my sisters and I, but he would calmly say "I'm disappointed in your actions"... and it would tear us apart. However, I don't think it could quite compare to the feeling that I get when I'm disappointed in MYSELF.
When we are training or competing - we push ourselves to the maxx, we try to exceed old limitations and delve deeper. We resist temptations because we know it will slow us down if we don't. We almost become a 'super-human'. But then one day comes where you fall off track, skip a workout, give in to the temptations - and then... the disappointment follows...
In order to keep the 'hope' and 'drive' alive, you must:
♥ Adjust your expectations. Not every team wins the Super Bowl or Olympic gold. Not every applicant gets the job. Illness happens. Not every marriage soars. It might make sense not to set your goals so high. But who wants to settle for mediocrity?
On the one hand, hope can be misplaced. If your highest hope is in achievement, you will eventually be disappointed—success is transient. On the other hand, if we're so afraid of disappointment that we lower our hopes, we can close ourselves off from what we were born to do. The proper balance can be elusive.
♥ Learn from your defeats. Disappointment and failure build character and patience, when allowed to do so. They can teach you to win and lose with grace, an increasingly lost art these days.
I know that I have not personally pushed myself as hard as I can be pushed. It is my goal to do that from here on out because I don't want to feel that disappointment. I've come so far to just plateau now.

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Keep on Pushing...

Ok, so you took the *leap* and you're finally doing something that you absolutely have a *passion* for, but then the inevitable occurs - you hit a rough spot. My advice to you: Keep on pushing. If you aren't running into obstacles - then I'd be scared because it's simply GOING TO HAPPEN. We're going to stress out, lose clients, encounter a rainy day with our outdoor bootcamps, have to repair equipment, deal with outside issues, stumble our words, wake up late, and even get sick - but it's how we deal with those obstacles that make us successful.
We need to consistently surround ourselves with people who lift our spirits and challenge us to rise higher. We need mentors and friends who are willing to listen to us grumble. We need to focus on the positives, rather than the negatives (such as: the "so-called" recession). However,most importantly, we *must* have faith in ourselves and the confidence within to excel in whatever it is that we may do.
From one small business owner to another, Rawk it!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Quote of the Day

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
I personally adore this quote - there's nothing more special then a person who feels 'fully alive' and frankly, in today's world - we don't have enough of those people. We only have one life to live, so we need to make the most of it. We hear these inspirational sayings all the time - but do you just listen to it and then carry on with your day? And at what point do you actually ask yourself "What makes me come alive?" and then go for it?
♥ Get that body you've been wanting.
♥ Ask that boy/girl out instead of waiting for them to do so.
♥ Start that business you've dreamed about.
♥ Cut that credit card in half.
♥ Get back in touch with an old friend.
♥ Apologize. Even though you should have a year ago.
♥ Smile at people - start conversations.
♥ Try that new hobby that you're embarrased about trying.
♥ Push yourself harder in the gym.
♥ Study harder. Educate yourself.
Seriously, what do you have to lose?

Monday, January 26, 2009
Your Perfect 'Fit'

Some say that opposites attract; while others swear they are with their twin because they enjoy & dislike the same exact things - so for those within the fitness industry, does your significant other live the lifestyle that you live each day? If you are single, do you look for someone who lives the same lifestyle as you do? When you are so passionate about something - does your significant other need to be just-as-passionate as you are?
♥ Perhaps if you and your S.O. are fit together - then you should apply to be the Fittest Couple of the Year in Los Angeles, California.
♥ Many celebs pair up quite nicely, here's a few 'Fit Couples'
♥ One couple is taking their journey from unhealthy to fit TOGETHER and is blogging about it - check it out at Mr. and Mrs. Get Fit
♥ An important note to remember for all relationships: Self-esteem is important for a healthy relationship. When you truly like yourself, in spite of any failings and weaknesses you may have, you'll feel confident. And when you feel confident and secure within yourself, you can enjoy being with your partner for the joy they bring to your life, not because you feel you need them to survive.

Friday, January 23, 2009
Ready for a Jump Start?
I had the pleasure of having to jump start my car this morning - but after it was running and I was on my way to work, I thought about how it's a necessity to "jump start" different areas of our lives every now and then. From relationships, to financial messes - being able to jump start and mix things up can really save us from falling into a routine. However, one of the biggest routines that many people get involved in is with their workout routine!
There are women in the gym who have their workout routine down to a TEE. They come in, grab an elliptical, do that for 40 minutes- stretch, do a couple of resistance machines, and they are done. After months and months of this, they have yet to see any results. As I walk around the gym and introduce myself to all the potential clients, I try to make it a point to let them know that it is essential that they switch up their workouts every now and then.
Jump start your workout routine TODAY by doing the following:
♥ Researching & Implementing HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) into your workout
♥ On your daily run - incorporate sprints into a normal jog
♥ Sign up for a Bootcamp or Group Fitness session that will be different then your regular daily workout routine. In LA? Visit Body Synergy OR In St. Pete, FL? Visit Combat Fitness
♥ Invest in a Personal Trainer to get top notch results faster. Sports Specific in St. Pete, FL? Visit Ryan Magin Are you a Bride-to-Be in Detroit, Michigan? Visit Jenny at MadeFitTV, OR Strength Training in Edison, NJ? Visit Zach at Underground Strength
♥ Focus on keeping your heart rate UP - spend less time on 'resting'
♥ Embrace the jump rope! (or jumping in general) See: Plyometrics
♥ Utilize your weekends for Activity-Based Events - go kayaking, rock climbing, cycling along a trail, hiking, play a game of football with your friends, etc!

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Al Natural

If you are anything like me - make-up is kind of a big deal. I'm not talking about loads and loads of make-up, but applying foundation, blush, mascara is an everyday ritual. However, today, I woke up and realized that my foundation container is empty. At first, I went through a stage of panic - however, after applying some moisturizer, I stepped away from the mirror and left for work.
According to Good Morning America, women spend $50 BILLION annually on cosmetics, and many are simply addicted to buying and wearing products.
In addition, a study in France found this research:
Makeup’s effect on our senses results in two different psychological effects: camouflage and seduction.Camouflage is all about reducing anxiety, supporting our internal defense mechanisms, and helping with emotional stability. Seduction is about being more socially assertive and extroverted. The way you use makeup depends on your individual psychological profile.
Could you go one week without make-up? I don't even know if I can successfully make it through this day without it!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Plans of Action

Plan of Action:
♥ I am working hard to network myself and meet other fitness enthusiasts around the world
♥ I am trying to find a web designer to create a site including my personal training services, my fashion designs & my freelance writing portfolio. Any ideas/suggestions - let me hear it!
♥ I am trying to increase my knowledge on all aspects of fitness and nutrition - I will be getting certified in teaching
Punk Rope, as well as, taking a Certified Nutrition course.
♥ I am becoming acquainted with the golf industry. I will be tapping into the training of golfers and golf attire for women. DEFINITELY LOOK FORWARD TO GETTING BETTER AT GOLF TOO! :-)
♥ I will be graduating at the end of April with a Bachelors of Applied Science in International Business, however, most likely returning for a second bachelor's in either: Nutrition or Exercise Science.
♥ I hope to increase the number of women attending my Bootcamps and possibly create an Advanced Bootcamp with HIGH intensity. Whew.
♥ I will begin training for a 100-mile bike ride for MS with a cycling team. This ride is on May 15th & 16th, 2009. To join the team: Go here: Cycling Team in Pinellas County, Florida

Fitness Bootcamps

They are popping up all over the place - and understandingly so, because they pretty much rock. Fitness bootcamps allow clients to push themselves like they have never pushed themselves before. These bootcamps are usually not as expensive as one-on-one training but they are getting in a solid workout. In addition, the inspiration and motivation that a client can gain from the others in the group is tremendous. I have been focusing on bootcamps ever since I began training because they are so much fun. The women in my group LOVE being pushed until they cannot go any further (and I will gladly push them to that point!)
Bootcamps in Florida are fun because we can utilize the outdoors incorporating sprints and longer runs. I enjoy using equipment such as: jump ropes, cones, kettlebells, Bosu balls, resistance bands, and dumbbells.
Bootcamps are the craze for 2009! Join one or start one today :-)

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